
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

One little word

I’m back!  Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to everyone.  Life (mostly work) got a little overwhelming, so craftiness had to take a back seat.  It’s sad when the things you enjoy in life take a back seat to the things you have to do.  :(  Which actually brings me to the topic of this post.  It’s new year’s resolution time.  Get fit.  Spend more time with the hubs.  Budget better.  Lose weight.  Read more.  Etc. 

But I’ve also been seeing something a little different in the blogosphere.  One little word.  Pick one word that you will focus on for the year. 

Mine is intention.  I want to do things with more intention this year.  I find when I am tired at the end of the day, I tend to just veg on the couch, usually watching mindless reality TV that is probably zapping what little brain cells I have left.  (I really need those brain cells to deal with the four-year-old inquisitiveness!)  Or I just stare blankly at the computer screen, continuously refreshing my facebook page.  Then, it’s time to go to bed, and I feel like I haven’t accomplished anything with those few precious hours of child-free time.  I want to go back to this word throughout the year and ask myself if I’m doing what I’m doing with intention.  If not, then I want to be doing something that has some intention.

Last night, I organized my recipes file, while listening to Bossypants on audiobook.  And I went to bed earlier than I normally do.  But I felt like my time was so much better spent than if I were to just completely zone out in front of the computer or TV.  So, I’m off to a good start, living with lots of intention.  And it’s already January 3.  :)


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